Baby chewing on teething ring toy

Teething Troubles

The most difficult person to deal with is arguably a teething toddler. Say what you will about the ‘terrible two’s’, I’m more concerned about the ‘terrible teether’s’. To make matters …

3d render of teeth with inlay, onlay and crown filling in gums

Dental Inlays & Onlays

Fillings and Crowns are not the only way to preserve a damaged tooth. If your tooth is too damaged for a filling, but not so far gone to require a …

types of toothbrush

Which Toothbrush Is Right for Me

Dentists are asked everyday, “which toothbrush is right for me?” There are a lot of choices out there; making you question what toothbrush is best. The truth is, you shouldn’t …

woman at the dentist office

Dangers of Plaque Buildup

Plaque is just a part of life. It might be annoying, but unavoidable. Plaque is constantly forming in our mouths. I bet if you run your tongue over your teeth …

Young woman patient standing in x-ray machine. Panoramic radiography

Types Of Dental X-rays

There is a reason current x-rays are one of the first things a dentist looks for on your chart. Dental x-rays are essential to any and all dental care plans. …

Girl patient goes to the dentist with a toothache in the dental office. Young woman holding the hand of a sick tooth

Endodontists: Your Dental Specialist

Similar to doctors, dentists have the option to specialize. Endodontic treatment is one of those specialties. Every endodontist is a dentist, but according to the American Association of Endodontists (AAE), …

Two business people smiling and looking down at a business meeting

Psychology Of Clean Teeth

It’s always important to learn why we do certain things. Why you go through all the time, money, and pain of going to the dentist. It obvious that we do …