Back to school means back to brushing! If your children’s dental routines have slipped this summer, back to school is the perfect time to get them back on track. Routines …
Rest in Peace, Teeth
Tooth death is a real problem. Yes, I said death. Believe it or not, your teeth are alive. Ultimately, this means that they can die. This death can occur because …
Teething Troubles
The most difficult person to deal with is arguably a teething toddler. Say what you will about the ‘terrible two’s’, I’m more concerned about the ‘terrible teether’s’. To make matters …
Nitrous Oxide: Laugh in the Face of Dentistry
Nitrous oxide, more commonly known as ‘laughing gas’, is a frequently used relaxer for dental procedures. If you haven’t tried it yet, you are missing out. If the dentist makes …
Dental Inlays & Onlays
Fillings and Crowns are not the only way to preserve a damaged tooth. If your tooth is too damaged for a filling, but not so far gone to require a …
Which Toothbrush Is Right for Me
Dentists are asked everyday, “which toothbrush is right for me?” There are a lot of choices out there; making you question what toothbrush is best. The truth is, you shouldn’t …
Dangers of Plaque Buildup
Plaque is just a part of life. It might be annoying, but unavoidable. Plaque is constantly forming in our mouths. I bet if you run your tongue over your teeth …
Types Of Dental X-rays
There is a reason current x-rays are one of the first things a dentist looks for on your chart. Dental x-rays are essential to any and all dental care plans. …
Endodontists: Your Dental Specialist
Similar to doctors, dentists have the option to specialize. Endodontic treatment is one of those specialties. Every endodontist is a dentist, but according to the American Association of Endodontists (AAE), …